Wednesday 29 June 2011

Fans And Holidays

I would like to begin this blog by saying for anyone who doesn't know, I am a massive Doctor Who fan. My life is all to do with it, i try not to make everything about Doctor Who but i can't help myself, "She was in Doctor Who", "That's like a Doctor Who story", "This place would be cool in Doctor Who". I have a passion for the show because it is a good show in my opinion, one of the best on modern television. Though unlike a lot of people who Doctor Who is there lives, i am well aware that it is just a television programme, i have such a passion for it because i also have a passion for film, television and acting, Doctor Who is made really well with some brilliant cast and crew working on it and i would certainly love to one day work on it (wish-full thinking).
One thing I strongly dislike that comes not just with Doctor Who, but with most cult dramas, is fans who think the world LITERALLY is about the show, people who properly panic over a transmission schedule or even in some cases say things like "I think i may just stop watching [said show] altogether because a certain actor on the show read a certain line in a certain script that was written a certain writer that i kind of didn't expect". I have watched a number of "vlogs" in which "Whovians" complain about either Actors in the show or head writers to a point that it seems like they've never like the show in the first place. A perfect example of these annoying fans was around the majority of 2009, when David Tennant (Named the greatest actor to play the Doctor and coincidentally Britain's sexiest male of some recent year) announced he would depart Doctor Who along with Russle T. Davies (Award winning Executive producer and head writer of Doctor Who 2005-2009) and that they would be handing the torch over to Matt Smith (virtually unknown actor at the time) and Steven Moffett (Successful writer of previous Doctor Who stories and now showrunner of Sherlock). There was uproar in the world of the nerd, long-time fans who claimed they would "never stop watching Doctor Who no matter what happens" were suddenly announcing that they would "Finish with Doctor Who altogether once David Tennant left". It has shown truthfully how many dedicated fans actually are dedicated, there are so many people who had no real faith in the show they called their lives. The truth is, if your going to have such a passion for a certain show then you shouldn't expect everything to fall apart just because an actor or a writer leaves their job to someone else, if you truly love a show to a point like this then you should have enough faith in the entire group of people who make the show that have done well for so long before hand, to keep making the right decisions for the people who watch their work.
I think I'll leave the Fan-rant there and say that i'm heading off on holidays soon. I'm really looking forward to but even now i'm still not sure what i'm going to expect when i'm there. On previous holiday i have always thought " right, Turkey, hot weather, people selling me stuff, no good entertainment" or "Ok, London, same weather as here so shorts will be silly, doctor who stuff will be there so i'll be happy". Though, on this occasion i'm not quite sure what to expect. Well, I'm starting off in Rome and then on a cruse around to loads of different places like Malta and Barcelona Sicily and then i'm back in Rome. I have never been to any of these places but i have heard good things (Apart from Sicily, but i'm going by The Godfather), i have a feeling i'm certainly going to enjoy it but there are a few things on my mind.
Like, I'm greatfull that they've gotten  a fantastic holiday plus cruse but i keep wondering, am i getting too old for holidays with parents? the desire to go places with a group of friends is growing stronger for me, I am growing tired of family holidays, not because i don't like them or anything, i just feel its time to expand.
Also whats bothering me about this trip in particular is that at the beginning i had many opportunities for one of my friends to come and stay with us in Rome for four days but both of the friends i had asked weren't able to go. I am in no way angry or anything and it certainly won't ruin the holiday for me or anything but i think it was just the fact that i was given the opportunity and then couldn't take it, its not really bothering me that much at all even, i just can't seem to stop thinking "Well, who else could i ask that would go on such short notice".
I think that whenever i leave home to go on holidays i always feel like all the good stuff is happening while i'm away and that i'v missed out and then when i get back that i'm left out., i know its probably all in my head but when your a million miles from all the people you care about bare three and with no access to the blessing that is social networking, you kind of get worried of being forgotten about, maybe that's why people bring home presents, as if to say "here you go, this is why your still friends with me, because i buy you stuff". I guess what i'm trying to say is that while i'm away for what seems like forever I will miss all of you and can't wait to see you all when i get back.

Fanks Fo Listnin.